Abelusi - Become
Shepherding Others for the Magic of Their Success

Become a Member – Join
If you
- are retired, a former executive or expert; a person with time to spare
- are an experienced leader, senior business executive, entrepreneur, subject matter or technical expert, executive office partner (executive assistant), farmer/agriculturist, administrator or fund-raiser
- have an interest in continuing to use your experience, expertise, network and knowledge
- want to continue to be needed, worthwhile, integrated and useful
- would like to be part of a local and global network and partnership
- have a passion for helping others
….consider becoming a member of Abelusi.
We are just starting out so if in these web pages you see a Chapter close to you send them a mail. If not consider getting together with some other colleagues and forming a Chapter. We can use our experience in setting up our initial chapters to help you.

Become a Client
Do you, in your community or in your business or venture,
- have a project,
- have a problem that needs addressing
- need a spare pair of hands for a while
- want a coach or mentor
- seek technology advice
- need help with a business plan
- need a leader to champion a cause
… or something similar, then consider drawing on a person or team who can turn their experience into solutions for the future.
Abelusi is focused on benefitting their clients or communities by providing access to and support of their membership which is drawn from varying occupational categories – a professional experienced network with multiple and varied capabilities and years of experience.
Abelusi appoints a dedicated leader with nominated backup for each project it becomes involved with.
Contact a local Chapter and have someone deliver or help out with completing a Project Application, even if it is just to see if your project needs brainstorming or is feasible.

Become a Partner (Sponsor)
Do you, in your personal capacity, in your community, business or venture
- have an interest in helping others
- have a need to upskill your clients or staff
- represent someone looking to have an impact
- have funds dedicated for social upliftment
- need outreach into areas where you are not represented (as an NGO or other non-profit organisation)
- Need to raise your profile in a community
… or something similar, then consider becoming a partner with Abelusi.
We will advertise your organisation on our website and approach you first to fund, sponsor or co-sponsor any Abelusi projects. As a partnership we would consider more direct access to our facilities as well as proposing a regular sponsors roundtable to work for our mutual benefits.

Become – Start a new Chapter
Do you, in your personal capacity or in your community,
- believe that there is a need for an Abelusi Chapter
- recognise that the needs would best be fulfilled by integrating a not-for-profit operation into a global, regional and local network
- acknowledge that, being part of such a global operation, the co-operation, problem solving, advice and fellowship involved will be an advantage
- agree, to a large degree, with the concepts and documents within this website
- want to draw on the experience gained in the formation of other chapters, particularly from having access to the do’s and don’ts, web interface, legal and structural considerations, documents, operational strategies and personal contact with other Chapter leaders
- See Document “Starting an Abelusi Chapter”
… consider contacting Abelusi Global or one of the Chapters to have an initial discussion.
Read some of the documents and contact us.
Use the contact page or email global@abelusi.world